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  • 215Views
  • 12 months agoLast visit
  • 19.02.2020Joined


Positive, sincere, respectful, nonjudgmental, down to earth, well-read, outdoorsman and adventurous gentleman best describes me,with strong m****s, ethics and values. I'm well informed and capable of meaningful conversation, that being said I have a wicked sense of humor and prone to some sarcasm.

I'm most comfortable on or near the water or outdoors enjoying nature and exploring new places, museums and historical sites. Swimming, scuba, boating, fishing, golfing, reading and cooking are only some of my interests. A long trip to Belize with it's Mayan ruins and scuba diving is next on my agenda.

I'm single, two Wonderful kids , and easy going. I enjoy being active, like learning and trying new things, and am very open minded.

Please keep in mind that I'm just as selective as you are and I see no point in wasting each other's time. I'm a safe, discreet, open minded gentleman, creative and like taking the road less traveled. Extremely allergic to B.S.

Be respectful and I will do the same in kind. (ADULT)

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