Worn socks for 1 whole day. Pedicured toes with black polish underneath them. Sealed in ziplock back before being sent. 2 pairs for $30
***** pops are here. Lollipops rubbed inside and out of this juicy 😻 for 5 minutes straight to ensure flavor. Packaged to ensure no breakage.
White lace sexy panties. Worn for 1 day, including a gym sesh. $25, free shipping. Can customize other orders to your desire.
Bubble bath water after a session of self pleasure in the bath tub. Lavender scented bubble bath. $5 shipping to ensure package is safely packed.
Gym shorts/leggings available. Worn commando. Can customize for your desire. If interested I’ll let you know the colors/styles available.
Fishnet stockings. Red or black available. Can add undies to match color of fishnets for an additional $15 upon request. Always happy to customize any order
Customized for YOU. worn panties. You can pick color, fabric and how long they are worn for. Gym panties, masturbation panties