PeachBounce's classified ads

Offer / Sportswear / Sl€€ping T-shirt

Be the privileged to have one of the T-shirts I sl€€p with. I wear them when I t0uch myself in the night./ Sé el privilegiado en tener una de las camisetas con las que duerm0. Las temgo puestas cuando me toc0 por las n0ches.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Gym or Sl€€ping T-shirt…

I can use this beauty for a sweaty work out. It has permanent stains from previous wet sessions./ Puedo usar esta belleza para un work out sudoroso. Tiene manchas permanentes de sesiones previas.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Other / My Wedding Dress

My wedding dress still in the same state since my wedding, it's never been washed. The stains tell a few storys./ Mi vestido de novia sigue en el mismo estades desde mi boda, nunca se ha lavado. Las manchas cuentan unas cuantas historias.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Other / My Wedding Dress

My wedding dress still in the same state since my wedding, it's never been washed. The stains tell a few storys./ Mi vestido de novia sigue en el mismo estades desde mi boda, nunca se ha lavado. Las manchas cuentan unas cuantas historias.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Foot fetish / 3 Year Old Trainers

I have been wearing this trainers for 3 years to work and I have never wash them. I spend a lot of hours standing, my scent is impregnated in them./ Llevo estos zapatos a trabajar desde hace 3 años y nunca los he lavado. Estoy muchas horas de pié, mi aroma está impregnado en ello…


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Gym or Sl€€ping T-shirt…

I can wear this lovely t-shirt to sl€€p or to the gym or both. Just let me know. / Puedo ponerme esta camiseta para d0rmir o para el gym o los dos. Solo déjamelo saber.


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Old P¡jamas Top

Really old p¡jamas top. My Gr@ndma got me this ones when I was younger . She used to buy me p¡jamas and und€wear all the time and I've still got most of them. / Parte de arriba de p¡jama muy viejo. Mi abuel@ me compró este cuanto era más joven. Ella solía comprarme p¡jamas …


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Gym T-shirt

I like to keep my body healthy and strong. I do a lot of sweaty work outs that impregnate my my clothes with my juices. /Me gusta mantener mi cuerpo sano y fuerte. Hago un montón de work outs sudorosos que impregnan mi ropa con mis jugos.


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Gym or Sl€€ping T-shirt…

I use old t-shirts to sl€€p and go to the gym, not simultaneously of course. They are all of them with marks like sweat, coffee spills,etc..., that they don't go away. /Uso viejas camisetas para d0rm¡r y ir al gimnasio, no simultaneamente por supuesto. Todas tienen marcas …


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Old ****ma Bottoms

We are talking about antiques. I've got them since I was 12 years old. It's going to be hard for me to let them go. I still use them every week. / Estamos hablando de antigüedades. Los tengo desde los 12 años. Va a ser duro para mi dejarlos ir. Los sigo usando todas las…


3 years ago Comments: 0
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