PeachBounce's classified ads

Offer / Used Panties / Black Pattern Knickers

Get one of my old Knickers to your collection it will not disappoint you. Most of them have permanent stains fron my fluids./ Llévate una de mis bragas viejas, no te decepcionarán. La mayoría de ellas tienen manchas permanentes de mis fluidos.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Used Panties / Grey Knickers

Old Knickers with a permanent peri0d stain. My juices will impregnate it./ Bragas viejas con manchas permanentes de r€gla. Mis jugos la impregnarán.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Used Panties / Black Body

It has a little buttons where my puss& is that m@sturbate me while I walk./ Tiene unos botones pequeños donde esta mi ch0ch0 que me m@sturban mientras ando.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Black Leggings

I wear them very often, you can choose what I do with them, it will be my pleasure to fulfil your desires./ Me los pongo muy a menudo, tu puedes escoger lo que hago con ellos, será un placer cumplir tus deseos.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Knee Protector

I need to protect my knee and I use this protector constantly, to work, gym, walk... You can imagine how filthy and smelly it is./ Necesito proteger my rodilla y uso este protector constantemente, para el trabajo, gym, caminar... Te puedes imaginar lo sucia y apestosa que está.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Black Sweatshirt

When I come back from the gym in the morning I put the clothes on and sometimes I sl€ep with them. / Cuando vuelvo del gym por la mañana me pongo la ropa y a veces duermo con ella puesta.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Sportswear / Grey Sweatshirt

I run at least once a week and I cover it with my juices. Tell me how long you want me to wear it./ ***** por lo menos una vez a la semana y la cubro con mis jugos. Dime cuanto tiempo quieres que me la ponga.


2 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Used Panties / Peri0d Th0ngs

When I get my peri0d are the perfect ones for work to get my juices./ Cuando tengo mi ******o son las perfectas para recoger mis jugos.


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Foot fetish / Gym Trainers

I have never wash them, they have all the smells of when I work out or go for a run./ Nunca los he lavado, tienen todos los olores de cuando entreno o voy a correr.


3 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Foot fetish / Fenty X Puma Trainers.

Oh boy they have accompanied me all my ****age years, school, festivals, first job.../ Oh chico me acompañaron toda mi adolescencia, escuela, festivales, mi primer trabajo...


3 years ago Comments: 0
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