My Used Panty Store Help

Having some problems? Here are some tips for using MUPS.




I'm not logged in to the forum area or sales area/I can't see my sales listings.


 Logout of MUPS and log in again on the main page. This is caused by old cookies. To avoid this in the future, logout of MUPS when you are done for the day and log in fresh the next day.



I uploaded a video or audio and it is not showing.


Relax for a bit. Once you upload a video or audio file, it can take up to 30 minutes for it to be processed and appear "live" on the site. If you want to take a peek at what your video's status is, you can click the "Not Processed" link on the video's page. It will appear there until it is moved to live. If you don't find it either live or in Not Processed, checked the "Failed" link. If it appears there, it did not process correctly and you should try to upload it again. Please note the video upload at MUPS is limited to videos under 64 MB. This allows for shorter, teaser-type videos up to five minutes long depending the video format you use. For larger videos, upload them to a video site such as YouTube and then use the "embed" option to add them to your MUPS video album.



I can't see the video IM box or the chatroom.


Both of these require Flash to be installed on your computer. If you have a 64 bit computer, Adobe has not released a Flash for this system yet. You can still use Flash on a 64 bit computer by using a 32-bit browser. If you can watch Youtube videos on your computer, you should be able to use the IM and Chat here at MUPS. If you can see YouTube videos but not our chat and IM. Check your browser and firewall security settings to make sure is allowed to show Flash to your computer.



I can't edit the information in my profile.


Make sure you enter something in each form field with a red  asterisk next to it. These are required fields and your edits will not save if these fields are blank or have too few characters in them. If there is a problem with a field on the form, a red "X" inside a circle will appear next to the field, place your mouse cursor over the red "X" for information on what needs to be done.



I have another problem not listed here.


Open a help ticket at the MUPS support desk to get personalized help.



"Click here for help, to report a problem, or for any questions about the My Used Panty Store website"



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