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  • 47Views
  • 8 years agoLast visit
  • 27.11.2015Joined


More about me: Hello I am an athletic petite girl. I Runn a lot and get realy SWEATY. I am very Naughty. Im selling my customized panties because everyone that gets to taste me says the love the way I smell on their face and they are always trying to get me to leave my panties or steal them. I am an 18yr old College student. Thin, petite, and disease free. Make a special request what lengths of time you want the item(s) to be worn.I get so wet thinking of you wanting my stinky stocks, sweaty workout shirts and shorts, and *** filled panties. Is that what you want? All my dirty little things.I'm wet naturally and gush when I play with myself. just writing this Im getting wet! Ooooooh hurry I cant wait! Don't be shy send me a message.

I like to flirt with: Boys & Girls

Am I single: No. But I am naughty!

Do I smoke: No! I am more addicted to candies!

My hobbies: Working out, travelling, going to the movies, shopping, dressing up, Wearing lingerie, swimming, eating

What I am wearing right now: use your imagination (wink wink)

What makes me wet: Grinding, ****ing with my panties on, creampies

The funniest place where I made love: in the back of the movies

Naughty games I play when I am drunk: dont need to dring to be naughty

My ***** style: Brasilian

My ethnic group: Black/African Descent

My bra size: A

My hair: Black

My eyes: Brown (ADULT)

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