mariamatacadenuevo: Novias gigantes te comen (Giantess fetish)

20 €

El vídeo está en inglés. Es un POV en el que llegas a casa y te encuentras a tu novia con otra y te pisotean y te comen. Fetiche de gigantes.

Script of the video:

"One day I come home from work I find you with a girl on the couch kissing. You reveal that she is your GF since long time and you only had the relationship with me to get my money. Now that you have access to my bank accounts you can get rid of me. You and your GF are talking about how to ki!l me. It turns out you are Giantesses. So you may squash me or eat me. You would prefer just to crush me under your foot but your GF is hungry. She just thinks that I am too old to taste very good. You remember a tasty cheese in the fridge you could eat me with. While I have to get naked and your GF starts to jerk me off you went out to get the cheese from the kitchen. Finally you return and help her to let me ***. You shrink me and you two eat me up together. You do it slowly from toe to head. You and your GF talk about how ****** men are and how easy it is to take advantage of them. Before the last bite you both say Good Bye".

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