Samariii: Fendom ?


Te crees que mereces mi atención? Si quieres te recuerdo lo miser@ble que eres? Conmigo aprenderás a ser un perro fiel y a obedecer a tu ama y si te comportas bien te daré un premio 😙

Buscame si eres un perro callejero

Telegram : @Samii2613
KIK : Samariii1623

Paypal , bizum , revolut , Tranferencia bancaria o cheque regalo amazon

Do you think you deserve my attention? If you want, I can remind you how ********* you are? With me you will learn to be a faithful dog and obey your owner and if you behave well you will get a reward 😙

Look for me if you are a stray dog

Telegram: @Samii2613
KIK : Samariii1623

Paypal, bizum, revolut, bank transfer or Amazon gift voucher

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