Tvcqueen: A Day in the Life of TVC Queen


1 day consist of 6 hrs 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
(A)1/2 a day $75 and you just do as you please they only watch you.
(B) 1/2 a day $100 Customer can control 1 1/2 hrs in bedroom only.(Customer control is limited to what is agreed upon before sale finalized)
(C) 1 day $125 you do as you please and they watch you only.
(D) 1 day $150 Customer can control 1 1/2 hrs in bedroom only.(Customer control is limited to what is agreed upon before sale finalized)
Any other time frame is $5 a minute and only watch no time controlled by customer.
Add on's like photos/videos, wearing the item for extra days, special requests are as follows:
$3 a day for additional days after 2 days, plus shipping and handling If out of the country.
Videos -- $15 for 3 mins. $20 for 6 mins, $25 for 10 mins.
Photos -- $5 a picture (minimal of 3) $4.00 a picture (minimal of 6), $3.00 a picture (minimal of 10)
Special Requests --Ask and we can discuss price and if im willing to do it.

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