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  • 99Views
  • 10 years agoLast visit
  • 29.09.2014Joined


I am first and foremost- a Texas girl! Im a country girl living in the city. I would say that Im pretty sweet funny confident and intelligent. However- Im a good girl with that hidden edge. I can play dirty or innocent whatever the mood calls for! I definitely have an accent- but its a cute southern Texas drawl not a hick one! I love guns campfires and whiskey. I know how to hold my liquor- watch out boys! I like Crown first Jack second and Beam third. Sometimes my mouth can get me in trouble but my southern charm usually gets me out of those bad situations. Treat me right or someone else will! I can stick up for myself but love it when a gentleman helps me for courtesies sake. I think Im pretty good at handling myself in most situations. And dont get too fresh and forward I might look sweet in my cut off skirt and boots but I can throw a hell of a punch! I love my family and will do just about anything for them. I can be tender or as mean as a rattlesnake. I know how to drive a manual tractor big trucks and a motorcycle. Im not a gold-digger fake drama stirrin or a liposuction blow up doll. I have blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. I love getting dirty and camping out but love getting dolled up to go out! Looking gorgeous all the time is a Texas girl must! I take pride in looking my best and love going all out. I am college educated and I'm working on my Masters. As far as my panties go- I do it because I love it! I am a panty sniffer myself! I love taking off my panties and breathing in deep. I hate putting them in the laundry basket! A waste! Sometimes a taste is good too! My favorite lip gloss is my sticky sweet wet and I also dip in and rub it gently on the sides of my neck instant perfume! Let me tell you- I am ALWAYS wanting some! Im not just saying it to say it! I am CONSTANTLY wet during the day and often have to change my panties mid day! They get all soaked and I know others can smell my ripe juicy *****cat. I think my favorite panties are polyester it just mixes with my pheromones and puts off a sexy strong smell. Like looking pretty I take great care in my taste of undies! I love soft feminine lace trimmed panties best! I TRULY look forward to sharing my essence with others. It is a part of me and very special! I love smelling and tasting my panties and know that you will too! -Scarlett (ADULT)

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