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I'll tell you later
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I'll tell you later
I'll tell you later
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I'll tell you later
  • 64Views
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  • 19.09.2024Joined


I'm 5'2" with long blonde hair and I guess you could say an average body. For a short girl, I have very long legs. I used to work out at the gym daily but that all changed when I bought my first house about a year and a half ago. Not only was a gym membership no longer in the budget, but I no longer have the time, really.

I'm a very outgoing person and I enjoy contact with others. I like a little bit of alone time too, but I'm always interested in having a conversation with someone interesting, or even meeting for coffee or lunch when I can. I have an excellent sense of humor and I often have to suppress chuckles when someone at my day job makes a comment that causes me to visualize something inappropriate and/or funny (usually both). I can honestly say I smile a lot and I'm almost always in a good mood. I enjoy joking around but I'm empathetic too, when the situation calls for it.

I work a day job in an office environment. It's a small office with only a few employees and we're pretty casual, so I don't have to dress up a lot. Nice jeans and a cute top or a nice sweater (depending on the season), paired with sandals in the summer, loafers during fall and spring, and nice boots during winter months, is my office attire. I come home at night to 4 dogs. No man in my life at the moment but I'm always looking. ;)

As I mentioned, I bought a house about a year and a half ago. I've always lived in rentals, mostly apartments, up until 2015, when my mother passed away and left me her old mobile home. It became my first home. I enjoyed fixing it up but it was pretty old, really small, and before long the floor started sinking, the roof began to leak, and well, things went downhill from there. I realized I could pour money into an old trailer, or I could bite the bullet and buy a house. So I bought the house. I love this house, even though it's old. It has about 1200 sq ft (perfect for me - extra bedrooms have become a sewing room and a library). It has a lot of character and I'm enjoying fixing it up. Unfortunately, I am struggling to make the mortgage payments on it in this economy, plus my old Jeep is giving me problems and money (or lack of it) has become an issue. So I decided to sell my used undies for extra cash.

Just to be clear, selling my panties is something I do enjoy doing. Even though yes, I'm needing money and that's why I'm doing it, I still get a thrill from it. I've done this before, actually. Years ago, I sold my undies on a site called Ebanned. Some of you may remember it. I sold under the name Tara there, so if there's any customers from back then that may remember me, give me a shout. I'd love to hear from you!

I would like to add that I'm also interested in sexting, if anyone enjoys doing that and is willing to pay a little something for my time. I've no idea how much I'd charge, so you'll just have to make an offer and we'll go from there. I do need cash pretty badly right now but sexting is something I've always enjoyed doing, so it comes easy to me. I don't particularly enjoy talking on the phone because I do that all day long at my day job. But I can type over a hundred words a minute, so sexting from my laptop would be the way I'd do it.

For payments, I accept PayPal (discreetly), CashApp, and Venmo. In addition to payments, I also accept gifts and cash donations, if you just want to help a girl out. I LOVE Amazon gift cards and I still need a lot of things for my home, so I'm always excited to get the opportunity to shop a little online. I'm also nearly 3 months behind on my mortgage and I'm really struggling right now, so cash donations are very much appreciated and I'm always thankful. I like mailing thank-you cards in the actual mail, if you're able to receive them that way. If not, I do email. You won't go unappreciated, I can promise you that! I'm very receptive to receiving emails also, just to say hi, and I always reply, so if you get bored and would like to reach out and drop me an email, I'll reply as soon as I have a chance.

Here you'll find the various payment methods I can accept:

CashApp - $myoldhouse
Venmo - @Myoldhouse
PayPal - [email]

I'm really looking forward to selling my undies, as well as getting to know some of the buyers and other sellers. I remember when I did this in the past, I formed some lasting friendships with a few ***ple. I still keep in touch with one of my previous buyers and we've been to visit each other quite a few times, even though he lives over a thousand miles away from me. When you form a close bond with someone, you manage to figure out a way to stay in touch. I'm hoping for a similar connection with one or more of you.

Well, that's about it. If you have any questions for me or just want to say hi, you can message me on this site, or my regular email is [email]. I appreciate your interest!! (ADULT)
